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Wine Bar George

Experience the epitome of wine sophistication at Wine Bar George, an exceptional establishment curated by Master Sommelier George Miliotes. Step into a world where passion for wine takes center stage, and let yourself be immersed in the elegance of this unique wine bar. With an extensive selection of thoughtfully curated wines from renowned vineyards across the globe, Wine Bar George offers a wine connoisseur’s dream come true. From crisp whites to robust reds and everything in between, every glass is expertly chosen to delight even the most discerning palate. Complementing the extraordinary wine selection is a menu of delectable dishes crafted to perfectly complement and enhance the flavors of each wine. Whether you’re a seasoned oenophile or simply curious to explore the world of wine, Wine Bar George invites you to savor an unforgettable experience where expertise and passion for wine converge in a setting of refined elegance.

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From Aug 23, 2024 to Aug 23, 2024

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