Find Queen Victoria’s Room at Victoria & Albert’s reservation

Queen Victoria’s Room at Victoria & Albert’s

Queen Victoria’s Room is an exclusive and highly coveted dining space at Victoria & Albert’s, located in the heart of Walt Disney World Resort. This private dining room is steeped in history and luxury, offering its guests a unique dining experience. The elegant and intimate space is named after the iconic British monarch and is adorned with opulent decor, including crystal chandeliers, fine china, and plush furnishings. Guests who are fortunate enough to dine in Queen Victoria’s Room are treated to an exquisite multi-course tasting menu featuring seasonal and local ingredients expertly crafted by the restaurant’s award-winning chefs. It’s a dining experience fit for royalty and is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who have the pleasure of experiencing it.

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From Aug 23, 2024 to Aug 23, 2024

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