Find Tony’s Town Square Restaurant reservation

Tony’s Town Square Restaurant

Tony’s Town Square Restaurant is a charming turn-of-the-century trattoria on Main Street, U.S.A. This fun eatery offers guests the chance to relive the romance of Disney’s 1955 animated classic, Lady and the Tramp while enjoying delicious Italian cuisine—prices for meals at Tony’s Town Square Restaurant range from $15 to $34.99.

Step inside this charming restaurant, and you’ll be transported to a world of whitewashed railings, French doors, and an expansive front porch that offers fantastic views for people-watching. The lobby features pictures of Lady and the Tramp’s famous love-struck stars, and the movie plays in the background, setting the mood for a delightful dining experience.

Whether you’re a hopeless romantic or just looking for a fun meal with friends and family, Tony’s Town Square Restaurant is perfect. You will find something to satisfy your cravings, from spaghetti and meatballs to other delicious Italian dishes. So be sure to set up a Tony’s Town Square Restaurant reservation alert and book your table today to experience this charming eatery.

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From Sep 11, 2024 to Sep 11, 2024

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