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Il Mulino

Immerse yourself in the flavors of Italy at Il Mulino, a culinary gem nestled within EPCOT park. This exquisite restaurant offers an authentic Italian dining experience that will transport you straight to the heart of Tuscany. From the moment you step inside, you’ll be greeted by the warm and inviting ambiance, reminiscent of a traditional Italian trattoria. Indulge in a menu that showcases the finest Italian ingredients, expertly crafted into delectable dishes that capture the essence of Italian cuisine. From handmade pasta and succulent seafood to mouthwatering meats and decadent desserts, each plate is a culinary masterpiece. Pair your meal with a selection from the extensive wine list, featuring both Italian classics and international vintages, for a truly immersive dining experience. Whether you’re seeking a romantic dinner or simply want to savor the authentic flavors of Italy, Il Mulino at EPCOT will transport your taste buds on a delightful journey through the rich and vibrant culinary traditions of Italy.

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From Aug 24, 2024 to Aug 24, 2024

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